Sunday, January 31, 2016

Frank and Eddie's New Domain

If you have pets, one of the cool things about living on base at Yokosuka is the dog park. It is situated on a very large complex that has football practice fields and two softball fields. You have to cross the fields to get to the dog park, so a lot of dog owners just use the open fields. But if you get to the dog parks, they are very nice - large and well-maintained.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Frank and Eddie's Excellent Adventure

Pretty funny, Amber - my sister came up with the title for this blog. Frank and Eddie are our two dogs who just made the trip by themselves from Houston to Denver to Tokyo. It wasn't just the trip that was the adventure but the journey they have been on since we kenneled them six weeks ago as we were leaving for Japan. The reason we had to wait to bring them over was the complicated process for bringing dogs into Japan. But we finally dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's and filled out every type of form imaginable - giving us the opportunity to finally get the dogs over here.

Mom and her friend,
Malcolm, checks the dogs
in at the Houston Airport
After two days and a 13 hour
flight, the dogs arrive at the Tokyo
Airport. Unfortunately, they had
to wait for about 3 more hours.

Finally, Frank gets to get out of
the kennel and into our van.
Now, that we had Eddie and
Frank in the van. We had a two
hour trip back to Yokosuka.

                                           The dogs arrive at their new home.

After all the excitement, the dogs
are worn out. 
And so it begins, no jet lag for
these dogs. Up at 5 a.m. ready
to go. What a pain.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Skiing at Fujiten

Our dogs are flying over this week. So, we decided to use our last dog-free weekend to go skiing at Fujiten. It is a ski resort on the slopes of Mount Fuji.

Mona, Macie, Zach and Andrea.

Getting ready to go on the ski lift.

Notice the lake in the background.

This is the lake from close up. It
looks like something you
would see in the Swiss Alps.

Friday, January 22, 2016

First trip to Fuji Q

Near Mount Fuji, there is an amusement park called Fuji Q. We have traveled to the area twice since we have been in Japan. Every time we go by the park, everyone starts talking about going because of all the roller coasters. We were thinking about going this past weekend because we were going near that area to pick up my jacket that I had left on one of our trips. Since Mona and Macie weren't feeling well, I figured we would wait a couple of weeks. Zach and Andrea had other ideas - once they saw the roller coasters at Fuji Q, they were determined to get there. So, we ended up taking a quick trip - leaving Mona and Macie home to get some rest.

Getting to Fuji Q is easy - it is located right off the tollway. However, finding our way into the park ended up not being so easy. We arrived late in the day and there was no one going into the park (it was also pretty cold - in the 30s). So, with no one to follow, we had to find our own way to the ticket gate. Sounds pretty simple. We walked up to the Fuji Q sign, took some pictures, and started looking for the ticket gate. 
Notice how close the roller coasters are - you will understand why this is important as you read the story. We walked a little further and came to a second sign - also notice the spelling of Fuji Q is different.

  It was a little strange because, as of yet, we still hadn't seen where to buy the tickets. Unsure about just walking onto the park property, we went into the store. We looked around and could not find any signs or places to buy tickets. This started to become one of those frustrating moments when you are in a country where you can't speak the language and the written language is indecipherable. We kept walking to back of the store where we found doors that opened up to stairs that lead to a village similar to something at Disneyland. Stores, places to buy snacks and even small restaurants. But still no place to buy tickets.
  After going through the village we see an arrow pointing towards the roller coasters. We follow the steps but they lead to an area that looked like a delivery and storage area. By this time, we were confused and starting to get frustrated. 
  So, we decide to go back to the parking lot to see if we can find another way into the park. In the parking lot, we see a path with a security officer standing by it. As we approach, he gives us the Japanese hand signal for No - crossing the forearms into a giant X.
  Finally, we decide that this area must be just for souvenirs and window shopping. So, we get into the van and go searching for the entrance. Zach uses google map and it tells us that the park is 20 minutes away. Which was ridiculous because we literally just walked under one of the roller coasters. I decide to just drive around till we find the entrance. We exit going over an overpass, go into another parking area and then go back across the highway - finally ending up in a hotel parking lot. It looked promising because there was also a bus and train station - and a path that lead back to where we could see the tops of the roller coasters. As we walked down the path and around the curve, Zach and Andrea were talking excitedly because we are thinking we finally have this figured out. As the path curved down around a corner, I stopped and couldn't believe what I was seeing. We were right back at the same entrance we had just left.  
  We go back through the store determined this time to find the way into the park. As we descended the stairs at the back of the store for the second time, I looked over the fence and could just make out the ticket gate. Then Zach noticed the fence had a gate/door, he tried it and found that it was unlocked. So, we ended up sneaking across the manicured grass hoping no one would see us and down to the ticket gate. Once we got there, we looked back at the village and we were finally able to see the path we were supposed to take. 
  With all the running around, there was only two hours left until the park closed - so we ended up only riding two rides. But they were two of the most memorable roller coasters I have ever been on. One, the Takabisha, was so wild looking that Andrea began stressing out as we waited in the line. This sign posted on the wall only added to her stress: 

It also didn't help when I told Andrea that the 3 women in front of us that had their heads bowed and eyes closed were praying before they got on the roller coaster. Andrea bailed on us as we were literally getting into our seats. Actually, I was a little nervous myself. The ride has a 121 degree free fall - extra scary because the roller coaster stops during the middle of the ride, then slowly lifts you 140 feet straight up, then as you come over the top, it stops for several seconds before the final drop.


The other ride, The Screamer, launches you to a speed of 111 miles per hour in 1.8 seconds. You are literally pushed back into your seat. A lot of fun.

And, of course, the reason the park is named Fuji Q:

Monday, January 18, 2016

Japanese Television

One of the truly interesting things about being in Japan is continual reminders of how disparate the cultures of the U.S. and Japan are. There are, of course, many similarities but the differences are what seems to resonate with us as we get adjusted to our new life in Japan. One big difference is what is seen on television. As we scroll through the 8 local Japanese channels, there is little that reminds us of watching television back in the states. For one thing, there are almost always channels that show several people in small pop-up boxes watching and commenting on what is being seen on the tv screen. It is so common that it seems this is the dominant programming day and night. Another thing that is different is the use of Japanese symbols - you never watch a show without the screen filled without words and symbols placed in random areas. They say one of the reasons for this is that Kanji and symbols will often have a different meaning - funny or impactful - than what is being spoken.

This is a small snippet of a show - I think they are showing a hot springs resort.

  A commercial about going to Universal Studios.

A lot of the time, it is hard to figure out what the commercial is about. Here
is an example - we have no idea.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Driving Ms. Mona

   Mona made her first visit today to a campus off base - we went to Ikego Base (an extension of Yokosuka Base housing about 20 minutes away). I say we because I am driving Mona until she gets comfortable with driving in Japan. Driving in Japan is so much different than driving in the U.S. First, of course, you are driving on the left side of the road instead of the right side. Second, all the signs are in Japanese. Third, you aren't familiar with the area. Fourth, there is no grid pattern to the roads. The roads are winding and curving - meandering might be a better description. Fifth, the roads are narrow and the buildings that run along side the road are literally just off the road. Sixth, there is constant motion - pedestrians, bicyclists and frequent crosswalks.
   It is hard to believe, because it seems like such a long time ago, that it has only been about 2 1/2 weeks since we drove off base for the first time. Mona was really stressed about it and did not want to go anywhere (because of all the things I listed above and more). And I have to admit that I was a little nervous myself. As a matter of fact, during our first drive off base, I actually stopped for a red light in the intersection. It was at one of the main intersections on the street right outside the base - it has a strange setup with the intersection being very large with two lights and two crosswalks. The first light was green when I entered the intersection but by the time I got to the second light it was yellow. Since there was a crosswalk underneath the stoplight that turned yellow and pedestrians have the right of way, I stopped. I had the same feeling for a few moments that I had back in high school when I was trying to learn how to drive a standard. My mom and I were stopped at a red light. When the turn left arrow turned green, I couldn't shift into first gear. So we sat through about 3 lights before I finally figured it out. The people in the cars behind us got a little crankier each time that light turned green and then red again. To quote the Penguins of Madagascar and as I have told Macie often of late - as she has tried to deal with the stress of new schools and new people - that some times when you are in stressful situations the only thing you can do is - Just Smile and Wave.
  Anyway, the trip went well and Mona is becoming more and more comfortable with getting around in Japan.

This is a video from the first trip to 
Ikego for Mona's work.

This is on the way back from Ikego. 
If you travel on the highways, there are 
a lot of tollbooths any where you go.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Surviving the first month at Yokosuka Naval Base - Things distinctly Japanese

It really hasn't been too stressful adapting to living in Japan but there are definitely things that you have to get used to.

1) If you go off base, always have yen (no dollars) with you. Most places will not take debit cards and it is hard to find debit machines that will accept your cards.
2) Speaking of money, coins are a way of life here. The smallest paper money is 1000 yen (similar to a $10 bill) - any time you use a 1000 yen bill, the change is all coins. It is easy to come home after a day sightseeing with 30 or 40 coins worth $10 to $15 or more.
2) It is hard to find any fast food places - McDonald's is the most common. And there are few, if any, drive-thru places to eat. I don't think we have seen a drive-thru restaurant yet.
3) Parking is a frustrating experience - for several reasons. One, the parking spaces are small and meant for really small cars - not a van like we have. Two, in most places, everything is in Japanese Kanji - so you have no idea what they are trying to tell you. Third, everyone backs into the parking spaces - which I have actually started practicing on but it may be a while before I actually try in parking garage (because the parking spaces are so small). Fourth, fifth and sixth - everything is in Kanji. I posted this video earlier but it really encapsulates the stress and frustration of trying to park in a parking garage - in the video, we had already gone out the exit and then made a quick u-turn to go right back into the parking garage. We were trying to find a parking space big enough for the van. We were on the ground floor and I was trying to find the way to the higher levels. What we didn't know was that, as you entered the garage there were two lanes, the left lane bypassed the ground floor completely. The lane on the right took you ONLY to the ground floor - no way to get to the higher levels. We took the lane on the right and it took us a while to figure things out.

4) Driving on the tollways is very nice - but you will need to have Google Maps turned on (because most everything is in Kanji). And a lot of yen (mostly coins) - because the tollways can be expensive.
5) While driving on the tollways is relatively easy, driving in town can be stressful. In Yokosuka, there a couple of main roads that branch off into very narrow roads very quickly. If you miss a turn, you might have to travel a while to find a place to turn around. There is one benefit of missing a turn - we have been able to see a lot of Yokosuka this way.
6) Very few trashcans in public. About the only trashcans are found in front of convenience stores. You are expected to take the trash back to your house to throw away. Another reason to take a backpack when you go out.
7) Public bathrooms can be an adventure. One, they are hard to find - best bet is to go to a mall or find a McDonald's. Second, there are western bathrooms - which is what we are familiar with - and then there are two types of Japanese bathrooms - both are a definitely unique experience. The first is a washlet (like a bidet). Here is a photo:
enter image description here
Actually, in a lot of places, the Japanese have combined the western bathroom with a washlet (allowing you to chose how to use it).

The second Japanese bathroom is called a washiki. It is better to let the instructions on the photo explain this one:

8) And, of course, the language barrier can be difficult but many Japanese businesses are used to tourists - many have employees that either speak enough English or understand enough English that you can still get what you need (but sometimes there is a lot of pointing by both parties).

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Surviving the first month at Yokosuka Naval Base - Learning the Ropes

It was close to midnight when we arrived at the Navy Lodge - after settling in, we actually were able to sleep a little before getting up early to start our first day in Japan. This day ended up being a day of learning many lessons about how things work at Yokosuka.

Steps - Learning the Ropes

1) One of things you get when you receive your travel orders is a checklist of things to accomplish  - in some order of importance. So, when we got up that first morning and saw the base bus go by as we were eating the continental breakfast, we decided we could just walk to the places we needed to go. Seemed like a good idea because when you look at a map of the Yokosuka Naval Base - things look pretty close together and easily accessible by walking. So, we walked.....and walked.....and walked. Ended up walking about 9 miles that day. Over the next week or so, we walked an average of 7 to 10 miles a day. The lesson - have patience and wait for the bus. Become familiar with the bus schedule. And, if you miss the bus, wait for the next one. The bus goes completely around the base every 30 minutes. And don't worry about missing out on getting your exercise walking because, even when you use the bus, there will be a lot of walking involved. For one thing, the buses do not run after 6:30 at night - if you do anything after this time, you will either be walking or taking a taxi.

2) The second lesson we learned that day is you will spend a lot of time talking to people who will tell you that you are in the wrong place for whatever it is that you need to get done. A lot of the time, they can't even tell you with certainty where you need to go. Most everyone is nice but there are so many different departments that do very specific functions for specific groups of people. It is amazing how many different groups of people that are here - military, military spouses and dependents, DOD civilians and their dependents, contractors and Japanese civilians. So, have a lot of patience and talk to as many people as you can to help steer you in the right direction.

3) The next lesson, which we were prepared for, is to have your travel orders and passports with you where ever you go. You need identification for just about anything that you want to do. You need the travel orders and passports to get into the commissary, into the Navy Exchange - you can't even get into the movie theater without being asked to show i.d. Mona put all of our papers into an expanding folder and kept the folder in a backpack that she carried everywhere we went - because no matter what we intended to do, we were inevitably asked to show our paperwork. One positive from always having to show your i.d. is that my family won't have to hear me say that I left my wallet at home.

4) Did I mention to be prepared to walk? It is about a 20 minute walk from the Navy Lodge to Main Street Yokosuka - that is where the commissary, library, the Navy Exchange, one of the movie theaters and a lot of the places to eat are located. And, remember that the buses stop running at 6:30 - so, if you go out to eat or shop later in the day, you will end up walking or taking a taxi (which can add up pretty quick).

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Surviving the first month at Yokosuka Naval Base - Getting There

It is amazing that we arrived here at Yokosuka only one month ago. There are lots of adjectives to describe our time here to this point - interesting, tiring,
confusing, frustrating, exciting, challenging, fascinating. In a way, it was like taking baby steps on the way to learning how to walk.

First steps - Getting to Japan

1) The flight from the United States consisted of two flights totaling 17 hours - with a short break (about an hour and half) at Honolulu. It doesn't sound like that big of a deal but it really does take a lot out of you. So much so, we have decided that, in the future, we are going to try to stay a couple of days in Honolulu. But more on that later.

2) Culture shock set in for the first time as we tried to enter the waiting room in Honolulu for Japan Airlines. The security guard - who only spoke a couple of words of English - kept saying that this was for Japan. We said "yes, Japan" several times - he finally let us in when we showed him that our tickets were, indeed, taking us to Japan. We thought that was a little strange until we turned the corner and saw only Japanese passengers in the room and heard only Japanese being spoken. Even though there wasn't a lot of time left before the plane was supposed to leave, I decided to go find a bathroom. When I got back, Mona was crying a little - stressed because she thought I was going to miss the flight and stressed because the realization had set in that our world was definitely changing.

3) The culture shock continued on the plane ride. The stewardesses were so nice and polite, very cool gadgets that I hadn't seen on other flights - like our own t.v. screens and on-demand videos and games. And everything was Japanese - the voice on the intercom, the signs, the safety cards, magazines and the in-flight dinner was distinctly Japanese. It was a very surreal experience.

4) Once we arrived at Haneda Airport, we had a lot of difficulty getting past customs. We had our no-fee passports and travel orders, but they also wanted to see our military i.d.'s - which we were not supposed to get until we arrived at the base. Like a scene from the movies, they even took us to a separate room. After much discussion, a gentleman came out looking exasperated and proceeded to stamp our passports like he was taking out his frustrations of having to deal with people who had no idea what they were doing.

5) We had a ride pre-arranged from the airport to the base. It was another surreal moment seeing the stunning skyline as we traveled at night from Tokyo through Yokohama to Yokosuka.

6) At the main gate, we again had a little trouble with our paperwork - it ended being just enough to get us past security. But we did finally make it to what would become our home for the next 3 weeks - Navy Lodge Yokosuka.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year from Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan

Ringing in the New Year on the naval base in Yokosuka, Japan is a little different than being back in Texas.

This went on for a long time. If you listen
carefully, you can not only hear the ships'
horns, but firecrackers and the bells of the
nearby temples and shrines.

Mona loves this picture. She tells me
that, according to the Chinese calender,
 this is the year of the monkey.

The Great Buddha of Kamakura

We have been extremely busy since Andrea's arrival two weeks ago. Her arrival also coincided with Mona and Macie's Christmas Break so we have had time to do a lot of sightseeing. We have been to Tokyo twice to shop and to go to Disneyland, to Yokohama to go shopping at IKEA, took a road trip to see Mount Fuji and took a second trip to Kamakura. The trip to Kamakura was our first trip by ourselves off base (we went earlier as part of the Navy orientation of the base and Japan). This time Andrea and Zach were able to go with us - and one of the sights everyone wanted to see was the Great Buddha of Kamakura.

The Great Buddha as you
enter the Temple grounds.

The Great Buddha is nearly
45 feet high.

The statue is made out of
bronze and weighs 133 tons.

The statue is over 750 years
old - built around 1252.

The statue has survived
typhoons, earthquakes and
tsunamis. A 30 foot high
tsunami destroyed the last
building to house it in 1498.
This was taken after we went
inside the statue. Really
interesting but no pictures
were allowed.

These are said to be the
sandals of the Great Buddha.