Saturday, May 28, 2016

Forest Adventure - Odawara

Yesterday, Macie and I went on a school field trip to the Forest Adventure in Odawara. Odawara is about an hour and a half drive from Yokosuka. Forest Adventure is a combination zip line and ropes course with a total of 5 zip lines. The setting is very picturesque - tall pine trees, a very pretty creek, a rope bridge and a couple of parks to picnic at. Macie and I had a lot of fun - we will definitely have to go back when we can take the rest of the family.

We arrived fairly early in the morning - about 8:30. But Macie was excited and a little nervous.

It had just finished raining and you could smell the scent of pines - very calming.

             One of the interesting touches you see in Japan are the figures they make out of wood.

            The park was a combination ropes course with zip lines connecting the different obstacles.

                        Not a very photogenic picture of myself, but I wanted to include it because
                       of the Japanese instructor in the background - the peace sign and photo 
                       bombing are very common sights in Japan. 

                     I thought this was really interesting - the answer was over 300 years old.

       I am always intrigued by the signs in Japan. On the left side of the sign is nature information
       about the plants and wildlife in the area. On the right side, they show the different ways you
       can use the tree nuts to construct toys like clackers, tops and whistles. Very unique.

Afterwards, Macie and I went exploring the other parts of the park. They call this the Amazon Bridge.
      Very scenic background - hard to tell from the photograph but there is a city in the valley below.



  1. The use of wood is pleasing to the eye, almost every blog has a fence or a bridge of wood. Wonder if it is all cedar and what kind of evergreens are in the Japanese Alps. Guess I need to answer my question and look it up! Glad you have had some time with Macie during this season of adjustment for everyone. Next year will probably have a whole new flavor to it. Treasure the time while you have it!

    1. Hey mom, I found that it is a natural cedar forest. You are right - there are a lot of things that are made out of wood - it was amazing how much wood went into the Amazon Bridge. Also, the landing areas were all fresh cut cedar. It has been a lot of fun going on the field trips with Macie. Some of the kids have made comments about how they wish their dad could go but they are always out on their ship. That makes us realize how fortunate we are

  2. Wow! Looks like you all had a great time! Glad her dad was able to go. That has made her so much more comfortable and that means she has more fun!!!!
