Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Mount Takatori

It is so nice to have so many outdoor activities that are easily accessible from Yokosuka - ski resorts within a couple of hours, several beaches that can be reached in 20 to 30 minutes and lots of parks and forested land to go exploring. We decided this weekend to hike the trail to Mount Takatori - right next to the Ikego Base and about 20 minutes from Yokosuka. Although we decided to drive there, we could have taken the train, then walked over the mountain and boarded a train on the other side to go back to Yokosuka (start at Jimmuji Station, head the opposite direction from Ikego, turn on the road before Zushi Junior High, the road turns into the trail, at the top of the mountain take the trail to the right (away from the temple), then you will exit the trail at Takatori Elementary school and walk about a mile to the Oppama Station).

It is always fascinating to see the Japanese touch - whether it is
 figures like those above or the signs below.

This rooster and several others were across the path from a medical center/nursing home.

Hard to tell from this photograph but the bush had very large blue flowers -
I found out that they are called Blue Hydrangea.

                             A lot of the trees had buttress roots - not sure what kind of tree it is.

                                    Macie and I were pretty peppy as we started up the hill.

                 By the time that we got to the top of the first part of the hill, we needed a break.

                             It was amazing to think how long that these steps have been used -
                             these trails have been used for hundreds of years to get to Kamakura.

     Once you reach the ridge, there is a temple on the left. As you go up the stairs, you pass through
     the area seen in the picture above. If you look closely, you can see a small box at the top of the
     steps. While we were waiting, a hiker walked up to the box, said a prayer and put a coin in the box.

     How did we know that this was temple and not a shrine? Several things - one, there was not a torii
     gate. Two, the name of the temple was Jinmu - ji (if the name ends in ji, it is probably a temple).
     Lastly, there was this:


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Forest Adventure - Odawara

Yesterday, Macie and I went on a school field trip to the Forest Adventure in Odawara. Odawara is about an hour and a half drive from Yokosuka. Forest Adventure is a combination zip line and ropes course with a total of 5 zip lines. The setting is very picturesque - tall pine trees, a very pretty creek, a rope bridge and a couple of parks to picnic at. Macie and I had a lot of fun - we will definitely have to go back when we can take the rest of the family.

We arrived fairly early in the morning - about 8:30. But Macie was excited and a little nervous.

It had just finished raining and you could smell the scent of pines - very calming.

             One of the interesting touches you see in Japan are the figures they make out of wood.

            The park was a combination ropes course with zip lines connecting the different obstacles.

                        Not a very photogenic picture of myself, but I wanted to include it because
                       of the Japanese instructor in the background - the peace sign and photo 
                       bombing are very common sights in Japan. 

                     I thought this was really interesting - the answer was over 300 years old.

       I am always intrigued by the signs in Japan. On the left side of the sign is nature information
       about the plants and wildlife in the area. On the right side, they show the different ways you
       can use the tree nuts to construct toys like clackers, tops and whistles. Very unique.

Afterwards, Macie and I went exploring the other parts of the park. They call this the Amazon Bridge.
      Very scenic background - hard to tell from the photograph but there is a city in the valley below.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dobuita Street (AKA the Honch)

We took Macie off base to get her nails done this weekend. The nail salon ended up being in the area known as the Honch. Because the Honch's wild reputation, we had not spent any time looking around that part of Yokosuka. What we discovered was that part of the Honch is located on Dobuita Street - which during the day - is a tourist destination for the Japanese.

Interesting that the banners were in English.

This is the entrance at one end of the street.

A very busy sightseeing area. I actually ended up driving down this road trying
to find the nail salon. Mona, Macie and Andrea were stressed - 

something about that I wasn't supposed to be driving down this street. 

                                    The ridiculous looking hamburger in the middle costs nearly $50.

Despite the cost, the restaurant was very busy. Notice the line to the left -
they are waiting to be seated. The restaurant is across the street.

                                  Cool storefront for a wood carving shop.
A bar in a building made to look like a shrine.

Interesting to see the Japanese perspective of what a country bar looks like.
I just noticed the the skull of the cow is supposed to represent Texas.

I liked the owners name of this Irish Pub.

This bar's name doesn't leave much to the imagination.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Suwa Shrine Festival

Yesterday, we went to the Suwa Shrine festival in Yokosuka. The festival was situated on Blue Street (at least that is what the Americans call it). Blue Street is the main tourist area of downtown Yokosuka. The festival had temporary food and merchandise stands that lined the entire length of Blue Street to the Yokosuka Chuo train station.  The big event for the night was the carrying of a float by several teams followed by a wagon that had people playing drums, flutes and even something that looked like a sitar.

Squid - very popular item in Japan.

Dumplings - can be prepared it a variety of flavors (notice the purple things - more squids).

Shooting gallery - just like at a county fair back home.

Andrea was determined to try the dumplings. 

This stand made bubble tea - something Andrea became obsessed with back in Texas.

Up close picture of another squid stand.

This picture didn't turn out very well but the bags are filled with 
things that have the same look, feel and texture of pork rinds.
Because they looked so good, Mona wanted so much to like these chips.
Unfortunately, they tasted very fishy - probably had squid in them.

This looked really good, boiled/steamed potatoes - notice all the fixings you can put on them.

Macie like the bananas dipped in chocolate and covered with sprinkles.

This lady was quite the showman. She couldn't speak English but got the kids to play rock,
paper or scissors. She was selling slices of pineapples on a stick for 300 yen each. If you
won the game, she would give you two sticks of pineapples. Very cute.

Again the picture isn't very good - but it shows how crowed the sidewalks were.
But we never really felt pushed or crowded by anyone

The next couple of pictures show variations on items you see a lot in Japan. 

I told Mona that these were the Japanese version of Indian Tacos that we eat in Oklahoma.

Hopefully, this video will play on your devices. It shows the teams carrying the float down the street.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Cape Kannon

Last weekend, we took a short trip to see a lighthouse on Cape Kannonzaki - usually shortened to just Cape Kannon. One of the interesting things about the trip was that it was just a little further down the road we travel on a lot to go to Homes or Livin (these are two Japanese stores that are similar to Walmart). Strange that it literally only about 15 minutes from the base and yet this was our first time to see the area. There was boardwalk/seawall, a easily accessible beach with a tourist area and then, just up the hill from the beach, was Cape Kannon. We spent a lot of time walking around the area and ended up not making it to the lighthouse.

These are pictures of the point area of Cape Kannon. 

This is picture taken from the nature walk area of the natural history museum.

This is a caterpillar that we came upon. At first it was hard to
tell if it was a caterpillar or piece of a rope.

Macie and Zach were a little leary of going near the caterpillar -
especially when I said that the spines might be poisonous.

Macie is sitting in the footprint cast of Godzilla. Cape Kannon is the area
where Godzilla first stepped onto land in Japan.

This is a picture of a very different looking squirrel here in Japan. At first glance, the
squirrel looks to have a shade of green. The girls said it was more gray-like.

Mona enjoyed taking pictures of the kids - especially learning to use the two
different types of lenses.