Saturday, April 30, 2016

Japanese Bluebonnets

While we were at the Kurihama Flower Park, we saw a field of flowers that reminded us of the bluebonnets back home in Texas. These flowers even bloom at the same time of year as the bluebonnets.
From a distance, they look very similar to a field of bluebonnets.

Up close, they are very different looking than the bluebonnets.

Mona loves to take pictures of her girls. It is amazing
to see the change and the similarities over time.

Zachary, Macie, Mona and Andrea.

Couldn't write about Kurihama Flower Park without including
a couple of pictures of Godzilla.


  1. Love the way you are keeping up with all the things that we do :) We will always be able to look back at these pictures and relive the Japan Journey :)

  2. The bluebonnets are called blue eyes, native to California I think! Have enjoyed the blog so much almost like I am there with you. Thank you!
