Sunday, August 21, 2016

Tomorrow is TYPHOON DAY! (That is a hurricane to you and me)

We are expecting the arrival of Typhoon Mindulle tomorrow. So we went to the NEX to pick up some items in case we lose some of the basic services - power, water, etc. As we were checking out, the Japanese cashier made the X sign and said the NEX would be closed tomorrow because it is typhoon day. Pretty cute.
None of us have been in a hurricane before so it should be interesting. If the storm keeps its current track, we could be hit pretty hard. It is supposed to make landfall 9 miles west of us - which means, because of the counterclockwise winds, we would be squarely in the path of the strongest winds.

The calm before the storm - no wind and very quiet.

The sunset was unusually colorful -
             reminded us of sunsets back in Texas.           


Monday, August 8, 2016

Stories from the Mount Fuji Trip

Although my previous post talked about the pain involved when we climbed Mount Fuji this weekend, we also had experiences that we will remember forever. One, of course, was the actual experience of climbing Mount Fuji, But there were other things that happened during the day that were genuinely memorable.

On our drive to Mount Fuji, our van started to overheat. I had to try to coax the van by stopping occasionally, letting the engine cool down and adding water. On one point, we were on the side of the tollway with our hazard lights on. A vehicle with flashing lights pulled up behind us. It was a traffic patroller - their job is to help when there is an accident or a vehicle breaks down. The gentlemen was so nice, he asked if we needed water for the radiator, he sat out emergency cones and brought water for us to drink. He also gave us a pamphlet that had a telephone number on it. Despite the language barrier, he was able to communicate to me that, if we called the number, the operator would be able to help us find a tow truck and a place to repair the van. Unbelievably nice.

While we were driving, I told Andrea and Zach about the trail we were going to take to the summit. The trail is called Yoshida. As I was doing research for the climb, I found that Yoshida was the easiest and most used trail. But there was one warning about the Yoshida trail - make sure you don't take the wrong trail on the way down. There is a point on the descent where the Yoshida trail goes to the left and the Subashiri trail goes to the right. I said to remember that the trails on color-coded and that the Yoshida trail has the yellow signs. I reminded everyone again as we began our hike - always take the yellow signs.
Because of the meniscus tear in my left knee, I was pretty slow on the descent. I told Zach and Andrea not to worry about staying with me and to go at your own pace. Around the 8th station, Andrea was waiting for me. She was waiting because there was a sign that looked like the point where the trails diverged. She wanted to make sure that she was right. This was the place. However, she hadn't seen Zach so we didn't know if he taken the right trail.
A couple of hours later, I finally made it back to the 5th Station - our starting point. Andrea was there but no Zach. Turned out that he took the Subashiri Trail and ended up on the other side of the mountain. Andrea and I rode our bus back to Fujikawaguchiko Station and Zach was waiting there for us - after a $200 taxi ride. Stay yellow, pony boy.

At the end of the day, we still needed to try to find some coolant for our tip back to Yokosuka. Earlier, I had noticed what looked like a mom and pop gas station. At the gas station, there were two old ladies that reminded me of my grandmother - very sweet and kind. The ladies came out to help me and understood that I needed coolant. After looking at how worn down we were, I think they felt sorry for us. As one lady mixed the coolant for the van, the other lady brought tea and candy to Zach and Andrea. Then after I put the coolant into the van, she brought a huge bottle of water to add to the coolant reservoir. Using her limited English and hand gestures to communicate, she let me know that she wanted me to keep the bottle of water in case we overheated. She also brought me another bottle of water - she again was able to get me to understand that one bottle was for the car and one bottle was for us to drink. Unbelievably nice.
But then she motioned for me to wait. She proceeded to give us two plastic cups filled with cherry tomatoes that she had grown herself - she motioned to her garden in front of the station. She again motioned for me to wait. This time, she came out with 3 large cucumbers. She proceeded to wash and cut the cucumbers. While she cutting the cucumbers, the other lady brought out a bag of rolls and gave them to Andrea. Lastly, she brought out a packet of wipes so we could wash our hands before eating. It was truly one of the ;most surreal moments of my life - standing outside an old gas station late at night while two women, who reminded me of my grandmother, showed us kindness that I had never experienced outside of my own family.

Here are the tomatoes and the sliced cucumbers.

Here is one of the two water
bottles that the ladies gave us.

Such a memorable day - and climbing Mount Fuji is only one of the many things that we will remember from that day.

One word for climbing Mount Fuji - Pain

Climbing Mount Fuji is truly a pain in every sense of the word. Physical pain, mental pain and emotional pain. When you read about climbing Mount Fuji there is very little written about this part of the Mount Fuji experience. As we neared the summit, every person we saw was suffering - you could see it in their faces, in their body language and in their slow, deliberate march to the top.

On the Fujikawaguchiko shuttle bus
to Mount Fuji 5th Station. All smiles.

5th Station - Unbelievable number of people and buses.

The start of the Yoshida Trail actually begins on a decline for
quite a while - we started questioning if we were on the right trail

We saw a large number of hikers on their way back -
these hikers had spent the night so they could summit
and see the sunrise. Despite the large number of hikers, 

it was very quiet. They walked without much talking -
we would soon found out why they walked like zombies.

Didn't have to wait long to start climbing.
We thought most of the trail would be like this.

Unfortunately, a large portion of the trail was like this - jagged rock.

This is what the trail often looked like as we
approached the many stations on the mountain -

actual steps made out of rock.

After climbing through the rocks, we were so excited to see the
trail in the background. To me, they looked like beautiful
rainbows we could walk on to the top. Unfortunately, 
that is the descent trail.

This is what the ascent trail looked like for much of the way.
You can see how much elevation Andrea gained after a few steps.

This is one of the stations. Notice how steep the trail is at this point and
notice the Shinto gate. Many of the Japanese would stop and say a prayer

before passing through the gates.

This is us at the top. Before we took this picture, we had sat on these
steps for at least 5 or 10 minutes. When I first tried to take this picture,
there were no smiles. I had to talk them into smiling. Now, I wish I had 

taken the picture without asking them to smile. It was amazing how 
completely done we were at this point.

This is us at the summit.

Andrea and Zach doing the Mount Fuji sign.

This is the descent trail up close. No rainbows - just more pain.
These trails were like walking on a layer of gravel with
large rocks, dirt and dust mixed in. To us, climbing down
was, in many ways, just as hard and miserable as climbing up.

The scenery was beautiful as we walked down. I stopped to take 
a couple of pictures - this one shows the shadow of Mount Fuji.
It looks like smoke is rising from its top. But, after a while, the 
endless steep trail of rock debris makes you almost immune to the 
scenery. Your one focus becomes getting off the mountain as quickly
as possible. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Climbing Mount Fuji tomorrow

Mona took this picture on our first trip to see Mt. Fuji earlier this year.

Andrea and Zach really want to climb Mount Fuji so, on Sunday, we are going to make the trip. We have done a little research to help make the climb easier. The first thing we needed to find out was how doable the climb was going to be. Good news, no real expertise or technical experience needed - just a very steep climb at high altitude on an active volcano. Good news, indeed.

We have read quite a bit on what to expect on the climb and a list of things to take. Mona has even been looking at some facebook posts from people who have made the climb and found some good information - like take money to use the bathrooms located on the mountainside. So, here is the list of things that we have come up with so far:

Backpack for each one of us
Sunscreen lotion
Hiking boots (especially for the climb down)
Snacks (easy and high energy)
Water (we can buy more on the mountain)
Wind/Rain jacket
Layers of clothing (to help with the changes in temperatures)
Change of clothes (there is a chance of rain)
Avoid cloth clothing (takes too long to dry out if it rains)
Walking Stick

I found a website that forecasts the weather for the different altitudes on the mountain. Looks like around 63 degrees from where we will start and will drop to the mid-40's at the summit. Fortunately, only a light wind and a slight chance of rain.

The plan is to leave here by 4:30 a.m. so we can be in Fujikawaguchiko by 6:30 to get in line for a shuttle that will take us to the 5th station. The first shuttles that leave are at 6:40, 7:10 and 8:10. Not sure what to expect as to how the lines, etc.

The last shuttles leave Mount Fuji at 6:10, 7:10, 7:50 and 8:40. So, we definitely have a time limit on when have to be back at the 5th Station.

Speaking of time, the expected time frame is about 9 hours - six hours to reach the summit and 3 hours to get back down. If we decide to walk around the crater rim at the summit, it will take an additional hour to hour and a half. It will be interesting to see if we have the time or the energy to walk the rim.

There are 4 different routes to the top - Yoshida Trail, Subashiri Trail, Gotemba Trail and Fujinomiya Trail. We are going to take the easiest and the one recommended for first timers - the Yoshida Trail. One of the things that we have to worry about is taking the correct route on the way down. There is a point where the trail diverges, if we take the wrong one we will end up in a different area than where we started. Fortunately, the trails are color-coded. The Yoshida trail has yellow signs - hopefully, we won't miss any signs. It might make for an even longer day.

Back in the USA - Rafting the Rio Grande

One of our favorite things to do when we go to the mountains is rafting the Rio Grande. This year we had two groups raft - one group did the more mellow Orillo Verde and one group did some white water rafting on the Race Course section.

Unfortunately, they didn't have any professional photographers on the Orillo Verde
 on the day we rafted, so they had to use Mona's iphone to take pictures. 

The Orillo Verde group actually ended up using two rafts - Mona took this picture from the other raft.

Here is another picture of the other raft on the Orillo Verde. No pictures of the other group because no one on this raft brought a camera or iphone - so Mona was really the big risk taker in this group.

I did find one photo of the passengers in the other raft. 
Mona took this picture of mom. I think there are some
more photos - if I find them, I will post them later.

This is the only picture of the Race Course group. I will post more pictures
when we get the CD from the photographer

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Back in the USA - the Blue Hole

On of our favorite stops are on our way back from the mountains is the Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. The Blue Hole is a sink hole that is continually fed with spring water that has a constant temperature of 64 degrees. Since I was little, my mom has taken us to see the Blue Hole. In the last five years or so, not only have we stopped to see the Blue Hole every year, but it has become a tradition to take a quick dip in the extremely cool water. It is a bit of shock to your system but you leave feeling refreshed.

 Andrea and Macie jumping in while Kat, Logan and I are waiting for our turn.

Logan's turn. Macie and Andrea show their shock from the cold water. :)

Had to put two pictures for Katrina and myself. Why? Katrina was a little hesitant.

Kat finally jumps!

I included two of the portraits. This picture doesn't have everyone who was at the Blue Hole - Mona's mom was taking the picture. The picture that follows has everyone but there are some shadows.

Mona wanted me to take one of my infamous self-portraits.
 I like this picture - don't think anyone was ready.

After jumping into the Blue Hole, we usually go to a nearby pond/swimming pool.
The lake is feed by the same spring but it is not nearly as cold.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Back in the USA - going to the mountains # 2

Fishing -

 Andrea helping Kyla by putting bait on her line.

Mom walking with Kadence and Misha. Kadence actually caught a fish but was not too happy when we the fish touched her while we were trying to take a picture.

Alex with Chi Chi - neither one was too excited about getting close to the water.

Macie and Chi Chi.

Amber and me fishing the Cimarron River. I like this picture because I caught a fish shortly after this - Amber showed me where the fish was rising but she couldn't get it to bite. :)

Katrina helping Jaxon with his pole with mom looking on.

Neat picture of mom and the kids.

Couldn't leave out Cha Cha.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Back in the USA - going to the mountains #1

One of the things that we love to do is taking a trip to the mountains. It something that we look forward to - especially during the summer time.

The cousins outside our cabins - Sierra Bonita.

On the streets of Red River.

Waiting for the 'gunfight' in Red River

Posing with mom.

The kids love playing in the fire pit.

Extremely cold group at Eagle's Nest Lake

Playing in the Cimarron River.

Amber talking, Kat trying to fish.